30º Seminário


1 de Julho de 2021, Universidade de Aveiro (Virtual – link Zoom aqui).


A modalidade de realização do evento (online ou presencial) poderá estar condicionada à situação da pandemia.


Registration is available aqui.







Keynote: “Further Enabling Verticals with 5G
and Beyond”

Jorge Pereira (EC)


“Inter-domain orchestration for verticals in 5G network services”

João Alegria, Diogo Gomes, Daniel Corujo


Underwater High Definition Wireless Video Streaming using Data Muling
João Pedro Loureiro, Filipe B. Teixeira, Rui Campos


Short Break


Proactive Queue Management for Flying Networks

André Coelho, Rui Campos, Manuel Ricardo


SnLocate: A Location-based routing protocol for Delay-Tolerant Networks

Elizabete Moreira, Naercio Magaia, Paulo Rogério Pereira Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, George Mastorakis, Evangelos Pallis, and Evangelos K. Markakis


Desenvolvimento, Simulação e Validação de Protocolos MAC para Redes de Sensores Sem Fios: Projeto PrunusPós

Rafael Souza Cotrim, João Manuel Leitão Pires Caldeira, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, Pedro Miguel de Figueiredo Dinis Oliveira Gaspar


Aveiro Tech City Living Lab
Susana Sargento, Pedro Rito,
Miguel Luis, Nuno Borges Carvalho, Arnaldo Oliveira, Christian Gomes, Ricardo Torres, Rodrigo Rosmaninho, Andreia Figueiredo, Tomás Freitas, Gonçalo Vítor, André Mourato, Pedro Teixeira




Keynote: “SRIA, a community exercise for research on next generation communications”

Rui L. Aguiar (UA/IT)


Comparison of System Capacity between the Millimetre Wavebands and sub-6 GHz Bands in Small Cell 5G Networks

Emanuel B. Teixeira, Sofia C. Sousa, Fernando J. Velez, Jon M. Peha


Distributed Sensing Network using Ultra Low-power Lora Nodes: A Case Study in Intensive Almond Groves
Antonino Candeias, Rogério Dionísio


Short Break


“Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Semi-Empirical Methodologies for Estimation of Coverage in Mobile Networks”

Daniel Fernandes, António Raimundo, Francisco Cercas, Pedro Sebastião, Rui Dinis, Lúcio Ferreira


“Detection of Signaling Vulnerabilities in Session Initiation Protocol”

Diogo Pereira, Rodolfo Oliveira


Measurement-Based Characterization of the 5G New Radio Small Cell Propagation Environment

Salomão M. Francisco


Deployment of Beyond 4G Wireless Communication Networks with Carrier Aggregation

Bahram Khan


Short Break


Resource Allocation Techniques and Research Challenges for Applications




Thyago Pinto



Slavisa Tomic



Keynote Speakers

Further Enabling Verticals with 5G and Beyond

ABSTRACT:  In the context of the Horizon 2020 programme, and building upon a long standing tradition to promote testing and validation of technologies and even of business models, a big investment was made in large-scale 5G trials addressing not a specific vertical but necessarily the needs of a number of verticals. These generic solutions already cover a broad range of sectors, but there are still a number of verticals where work has just started, and where current and planned 3GPP releases might be lacking. In fact, our projects have identified a number of gaps which extend well beyond the air interface, which need to be addressed. In this context, the ongoing work on beyond 5G and the upcoming concentration on 6G, are expected to address such challenges and provide open, flexible, advanced solutions building upon a growing 5G infrastructure. The presentation will cover ongoing work, main achievements, identified gaps and promising trends with a view towards 21-27.


Short biography:

JORGE M. PEREIRA has been with the European Commission since September 1996, becoming Principal Scientific Officer in 2005, dealing with ICT Research and Policy, covering a broad variety of areas, with a focus on networking, devices, applications and services, testing and validation, as well as deployment. Since 2016, he has been in the Future Connectivity Systems unit, focusing on 5G and beyond. He is responsible for the areas of Advanced Spectrum Management; Optical/Wireless Convergence; Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM); and Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).

He is a Member of the IEEE, where he is an associate editor for Mobile Radio, including Vehicular Communications, for the IEEE VTS Magazine, and a member of the IEEE 5G Summit Steering Committee of the IEEE Communications Society. He also served as an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. He has been involved in the organization of major IEEE conferences, namely PIMRC, WPMC, VTC, ICC, ICT, GLOBECOM and 5G Summits in various positions, including TPC, Panel and Special Session co-Chair.

He obtained the Engineering and Master degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon Technical University, Portugal, in 1983 and 1987, respectively, and received the Ph.D. in electrical engineering-systems from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in 1993. He received the Industry Achievement Award of the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Forum in 2003, in recognition of his “outstanding contributions, research and development in the field of SDR”, and was inducted as a life-member of the Wireless Innovation Forum. He was inducted in the IPv6 Hall of Fame in October 2019.


SRIA, a community exercise for research on next generation communications

Short biography:

Rui L. Aguiar received his degree in telecommunication engineering in 1990 and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2001 from the University of Aveiro. He is currently a Full Professor at the University of Aveiro, responsible for the networking area, and has been previously an adjunct professor at the INI, Carnegie Mellon University. He was a Visiting Research Scholar at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil. He is coordinating a research line nationwide in Instituto de Telecomunicações, on the area of Networks, and is the Director of 5GAIner, the Portuguese 5G+AI Reliability Laboratory. He is the current Chair of the Steering Board of the Networld2020 ETP. He acted as advisor of the Portuguese Government on 5G policies. His current research interests are centred on the implementation of advanced wireless networks and systems, with special emphasis on 5G networks and the Future Internet. He has more than 500 published papers in those areas, including standardization contributions to IEEE and IETF. He has served as technical and general chair of several conferences, from IEEE, ACM and IFIP, and is regularly invited for keynotes on 5G and Future Internet networks. He is senior member of IEEE, Portugal ComSoc Chapter Chair, and a member of ACM.


Chamada para Contribuições / Call for Contributions



Caros colegas,

A Comissão Organizadora convida-vos à submissão de trabalhos para apresentação no 30º Seminário da Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis (RTCM).

A RTCM é uma rede de interesse em telecomunicações aberta a investigadores, profissionais da área e outros interessados, que realiza seminários duas vezes ao ano para partilhar experiências e resultados.

O 30º Seminário da RTCM terá lugar no dia 01 de julho 2021 na Universidade de Aveiro. Contudo, a modalidade de realização do evento (online ou presencial) poderá estar condicionada à situação da pandemia.

As submissões deverão estar enquadradas em tópicos da RTCM ou afins.

PRAZO: 11 16 de junho de 2021

Por favor utilize o seguinte formulário para registar o seu trabalho.

Agradecemos a disseminação deste CFP junto dos vossos contactos.

Com os melhores cumprimentos e esperando as vossas submissões,

A Comissão Organizadora



Dear colleagues,

The Organizing Committee invites you to submit relevant work to the 30th Seminar of the Mobile Communications Thematic Network (RTCM).

The RTCM is a group with interest in telecommunications open to researchers, industry professionals and other interested parties, that holds seminars twice a year to share experiences and results.

The 30th RTCM Seminar will take place on July 1, 2021 at the University of Aveiro. Notwithstanding, the pandemic situation could require us to move into an online event.

The submitted works should be framed within the scope of the areas addressed by RTCM.

DEADLINE: June 11 16, 2021

Please use the following form to register your contribution:

We would appreciate if you could forward this CFP to potentially interested parties.

Looking forward for your submissions and presence,

The Organizing Committee