36º Seminário


19 de julho de 2024 (Jul 19th, 2024)

Local – Venue

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (Campus 2)
Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão – Edifício B – Anf. 2
Alto do Vieiro – Morro do Lena
2411-901 Leiria
GPS Coord: 39.73433362594256, -8.821557724052202

Registo – Registration

O registo é gratuito e pode ser feito aqui.
Registration is free and can be done here.

Programa – Programme

Nota: programa preliminar (preliminary programme)

Time (WEST) Presentation Authors
10:00 – 10:15 Registration
10:15 – 10:20 Opening Session Organizing Committee
10:20 – 11:00 Keynote 1 – Multipath Aggregation and Resilient Failover for Flying Networks 
Moderator: Telmo Fernandes (IT / IPLeiria)
Mohit P. Tahiliani (NITK, Surathkal, India)
11:00 – 11:20 Coffee-break + Poster Session
Intelligent Monitoring of Water Quality in Aquaponic Cultivation (Monitorização Inteligente da Qualidade da Água no Cultivo Aquapónico) Fernando Pereira (ESTG/IPLeiria), Damariz  Ushiña (ESTG/IPLeiria), Telmo Fernandes (ESTG/IPLeiria/IT), Sergio Faria (ESTG/IPLeiria/IT)
Measuring and Modelling 5G RAN Performance Marija Jocic, Ana Aguiar (IT/Porto)
Unlicensed Open Source Non-public 5G Networking: Design, Implementation and Evaluation on OAI RAN Filipe Peixoto, Ana Aguiar (IT/Porto)
Use-Case Conscious Trust Mechanisms for Low-Latency, Secure 5G and Beyond Connectivity Pedro Claro (FEUP)
Impact of Position Errors on Position-Assisted Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks José Casca, Marco Gomes, Vitor Silva, Rui Dinis (IT/UC)
11:20 – 12:40 Technical Session I
Chair: Ana Aguiar (IT Porto / FEUP)
On the integration of communication, sensing and AR towards road safety André Clérigo, Maximilian Schrapel, Pedro Teixeira, Pedro Rito, Susana Sargento, Alexey Vinel (IT/UA)
Incremental Redundancy HARQ Communication Schemes applied to Energy Efficient IoT Systems Sérgio Silva (INESC TEC), Nuno T. Almeida (FEUP / INESC TEC)
Autonomous Mobility and Vehicular Networks: Microservice-based Approach to Integrate V2X with Autoware João Amaral, João Viegas, Andreia Figueiredo, Pedro Almeida, Joaquim Ramos, Pedro Rito, Miguel Luís, Duarte Raposo, Susana Sargento (IT/AV)
Intelligent PPG-based Heart Rate Signal Analysis for Car Drivers Monitoring João Pedro Baiense, Anniek Eerdekens, Jorn Schampheleer, Margot Deryuck, Ivan Miguel Pires, Fernando José Velez (IT/UBI)
12:40 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 14:40 Keynote 2 – Sub-THz Mobile Access
Moderator: Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC / FEUP)
Edward Knightly (Rice University, USA)
14:40 – 16:00 Technical Session II
Chair: Bruno Sousa (CISUC/UC)
Self-Assessment for an Admission Request Rui Lopes, Duarte Raposo, Pedro Teixeira, Susana Sargento (IT/AV)
Context-driven Access Point Selection for Connected Vehicles using Machine Learning Mushahid Hussain (IT/Porto), Joerg Widmer (IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain), Felipe França (IT/Porto), Ana Aguiar (IT/Porto)
A Methodology and Testbed to Develop an Energy Model for 5G Virtualized RANs Sofia Martins, Ana Aguiar, Peter Steenkiste (CMU)
Uplink Latency Characterization of a 5G NSA Access Network Orangel Azuaje (FEUP/IT), Ana Aguiar (FEUP/IT), Peter Steenkiste (CMU)
16:00-16:20 Coffee-break + Poster Session
Intelligent Monitoring of Water Quality in Aquaponic Cultivation (Monitorização Inteligente da Qualidade da Água no Cultivo Aquapónico) Fernando Pereira (ESTG/IPLeiria), Damariz  Ushiña (ESTG/IPLeiria), Telmo Fernandes (ESTG/IPLeiria/IT), Sergio Faria (ESTG/IPLeiria/IT)
Measuring and Modelling 5G RAN Performance Marija Jocic, Ana Aguiar (IT/Porto)
Unlicensed Open Source Non-public 5G Networking: Design, Implementation and Evaluation on OAI RAN Filipe Peixoto, Ana Aguiar (IT/Porto)
Use-Case Conscious Trust Mechanisms for Low-Latency, Secure 5G and Beyond Connectivity Pedro Claro (FEUP)
Impact of Position Errors on Position-Assisted Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks José Casca, Marco Gomes, Vitor Silva, Rui Dinis (IT/UC)
16:20 – 17:40 Technical Session III
Chair: Flávio Silva (U.Minho)
Aquacom: A Multimodal Underwater Wireless Communications Manager for Enhanced Performance Guilherme Moreira (INESC TEC), João Pedro Loureiro (INESC TEC), Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC/FEUP), Rui Campos (INESC TEC / FEUP)
Leveraging CSI prediction toward Physical Layer Spoofing Detection João Martins (IT/UC), Marco Gomes (IT/UC),
Vitor Silva (IT/UC), Rui Dinis (IT/FCT-UNL)
Automatic migration of MEC applications Pedro Pereira, Pedro Escaleira, Diogo Gomes, Rui Aguiar (University of Aveiro / Instituto de Telecomunicações Aveiro)
Multihoming em Ambientes SDN VANET usando P4 David Coimbra Caetano, Bruno Sousa (CISUC/UC)
17:40 – 17:50 Closing Session Organizing Committee
17:50 – 18:00 RTCM Committee meeting RTCM Committee


Keynote Speakers

Mohit P. Tahiliani – Multipath Aggregation and Resilient Failover for Flying Networks

Abstract: Multi-homed devices can communicate and access resources on multiple networks simultaneously (also known as WAN aggregation), allowing for increased network resilience, load balancing, and improved network performance. To leverage the benefits of WAN aggregation, several approaches such as Linux bonding, VPN bonding and multipath transport protocols have been proposed over the years. However, these techniques have their own drawbacks. As a result, several multipath transport protocols (Multipath TCP, Multipath QUIC and others) have been proposed. This talk will discuss how an openly available router can be installed on Raspberry Pi or similar boards, and can be used to aggregate multiple Internet connections and improve network resilience for flying networks.

Bio: Mohit P. Tahiliani is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, India, and a Member of the Board of India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc). He obtained Ph.D. in the area of Congestion Control Mechanisms for the Next Generation Internet from the NITK Surathkal, India in 2013. His areas of interest include Network Congestion Control, Queue Disciplines, Network Function Virtualization, Deterministic Networking, IPv6 deployments, Named Data Networks, and Distributed Ledger Technology. He has executed projects in these areas that have been funded by Intel Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, ABB Global Industries and Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Robert Bosch Engineering, and Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Tata Communications Ltd., Epsilon India, Robosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Samsotech International, Dubai, MACS-G Solutions, Dubai, Outside the Stacks, Inc., USA and Futurewei Technologies, Inc., USA. Mohit received the EMC Young Achiever of 2015 Award from EMC Corporation, Bangalore, the Outstanding Young Professional Volunteer Award of 2021 by IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Bangalore Section Chair’s Recognition in 2024.
Mohit has contributed to open-source projects for more than a decade. A packet scheduler developed by his team at NITK Surathkal to fight the Bufferbloat problem got merged into the mainline of the Linux kernel (v5.6). He is a Member of the Steering Committee of the ns-3 consortium, and a co-maintainer of traffic-control and TCP modules in ns-3. He served as a Member of the PC for Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) for the past eleven editions. Besides, he served as a Mentor for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) from 2017 – 2024 for the ns-3 organization and has been one of the Organization Administrators since 2021. He also served as an Organization Administrator for ns-3’s participation in Google Code-In (GCI) during 2018 and 2019.
He has 50+ technical publications in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals. He is a Reviewer for IEEE Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Networking, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Computer Communications, Inderscience journals, IEEE Communication Letters, and held several other roles in IEEE and Springer conferences. He served as a Guest editor for Annals of Telecommunications, Springer journal. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a Member of the Executive Committee of IEEE Mangalore Subsection for 10 years, Student Activity Chair of IEEE Mangalore Subsection during 2015-2017, Secretary during 2021 and Chair during 2023. He is also a member of ACM and TiE Mangaluru.

Edward Knightly – Sub-THz Mobile Access

Abstract: Next generation wireless networks promise unprecedented performance by exploiting wide bandwidths available in millimeter wave to sub-Terahertz spectrum. In this talk, I will first describe new devices and capabilities at such wavelengths. Next, because sub-THz transmission is highly directive in order to overcome path loss, blockage of the line-of-sight path by a mobile object could potentially cause a temporary outage. To address this problem,  I will present the theory and experimental results for curving beams around obstacles.

Bio: Edward Knightly is the Sheafor–Lindsay Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science at Rice University. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. from the University of California at Berkeley and his B.S. from Auburn University. He is an ACM Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, and a Sloan Fellow. He received the IEEE INFOCOM Achievement Award, the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Award for Research on New Opportunities for Dynamic Spectrum Access, the George R. Brown School of Engineering Teaching + Research Excellence Award, and the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. He won eight best paper awards including ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE Communications and Network Security, and IEEE INFOCOM. He serves as an editor-at-large for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and serves on the scientific council of IMDEA Networks in Madrid and the scientific advisory board of INESC TEC in Porto. He served as the Rice ECE department chair from 2014 to 2019. His research interests include design, prototyping, and in-the-field demonstration of next generation mobile and wireless networks, with a focus on networking, sensing, and security in diverse spectrum spanning from sub-6 GHz to millimeter wave and terahertz.


Patrocínio / Sponsor




Chamada para Contribuições – Call for Contributions


Caros colegas,

A Comissão Organizadora convida-vos à submissão de trabalhos para apresentação no 36º Seminário da Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis (RTCM). Os trabalhos podem ser apresentados em sessão oral, poster ou demonstração.

A RTCM é uma rede de interesse em telecomunicações aberta a investigadores, profissionais da área e outros interessados, que realiza seminários duas vezes ao ano para partilhar experiências e resultados.

O 36º Seminário da RTCM será dedicado ao tema Internet of Moving Things e terá lugar no dia 19 de julho de 2024 na Escola Superior de Tencologia e Gestão do Politécnico de Leiria (Campus 2).

As submissões deverão estar enquadradas em tópicos da RTCM ou afins.

PRAZO:  5 11 de julho de 2024.

Por favor utilize o seguinte formulário para registar o seu trabalho.

Agradecemos a disseminação deste CFP junto dos vossos contactos.

Com os melhores cumprimentos e esperando as vossas submissões,

A Comissão Organizadora,

Telmo Fernandes (IT / IPLeiria), Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC / FEUP), Fernando J. Velez (IT / UBI), Marco Alexandre Gomes (IT / UC), Daniel Corujo, Diogo Gomes (IT / UA), Karima Velasquez (CISUC / UC)



Dear colleagues,

The Organizing Committee invites you to submit relevant work to the 36th Seminar of the Mobile Communications Thematic Network (RTCM). We accept oral presentations, posters, or demo sessions.

The RTCM is a group with interest in telecommunications, open to researchers, industry professionals, and other interested parties, that holds seminars twice a year to share experiences and results.

The 36th RTCM Seminar will be devoted to the Internet of Moving Things and will take place on July 19, 2024, at Escola Superior de Tencologia e Gestão do Politécnico de Leiria (Campus 2).

The submitted works should be within the scope of the areas addressed by RTCM.

DEADLINE: July 5 11, 2024.

Please use the following form to register your contribution.

We would appreciate it if you could forward this CFP to potentially interested parties.

Looking forward to your submissions and presence,

The Organizing Committee,

Telmo Fernandes (IT / IPLeiria), Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC / FEUP), Fernando J. Velez (IT / UBI), Marco Alexandre Gomes (IT / UC), Daniel Corujo, Diogo Gomes (IT / UA), Karima Velasquez (CISUC / UC)