34º Seminário


7 de julho de 2023 (Jul 7th, 2023), Instituto de Telecomunicações – Aveiro.

Local – Venue

Anfiteatro do Edifício 1 do Instituto de Telecomunicações
Campus de Santiago – Aveiro
3810-193 Aveiro
GPS Coord.: 40.634136, -8.659993


Registo – Registration

O registo é gratuito e pode ser feito aqui. Por questões logísticas, pedimos que façam o registo da vossa presença até domingo, 2 de julho. 
Registration is free and can be done here. Due to logistic reasons, we kindly ask you to register at the event no later than Sunday, July 2nd.

Programa – Programme

Time (WEST) Presentation Authors
09:45 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 10:05 Opening Session Organizing Committee
10:05 – 11:05 Technical Session I (Chair: Karima Velasquez – CISUC / UC)
Blockchain Applied Security: The case of Identity management and Authorisation solutions Munkenyi Mukhandi, Jorge Granjal and Joao Vilela
A New Spectrum Sensing Technique with Double Threshold A. Brito, P. Sebastião, J. M. Peha,J. Velez
Decentralized mmWave MAC Schemes Diogo Pereira, Rodolfo Oliveira
11:05 – 11:20 Coffee-break + Poster Session
Context-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Supporting WiFi Connectivity for Vehicles Mushahid Hussain, Felipe França, Ana Aguiar
Design and implementation of a Verifier for supporting Remote Attestation in IoT
Joana Brás, Sérgio Figueiredo, Karima Velasquez
Explainable AI models for Transparent and Trustworthy Systems
José Diogo Gaspar, Paulo Silva, Catarina Silva
11:20 – 12:20 Technical Session II (Chair: Daniel Corujo – UA / IT)
IT Service Management: Sistema de Monitorização Baseado em Ferramentas Open Source Nuno Batuca, João M. L. P. Caldeira, Vasco N. G. J. Soares
Wi-Fi Rate Adaptation using a Simple Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach Ruben Queiros, Eduardo Nuno Almeida, Helder Fontes, Jose Ruela, Rui Campos
Self-organising Engine for the Cloud-to-edge Continuum Bruno Faria, David Abreu, Karima Velasquez, Marília Curado
12:20 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Panel (Moderator: Susana Sargento – UA / IT)
Edge Computing & Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities
Jorge Pereira (EC)
Raúl Junqueiro (DST)
Rui Calé (Altice Labs)
15:00 – 16:20 Technical Session III (Chair: Filipe B. Teixeira  – INESC TEC / FEUP)
Orchestration Strategies for Time-Constrained Smart City Services Rodrigo Rosmaninho, Duarte Raposo, Pedro Rito, Susana Sargento
Machine Learning applications in 5G Rafael Teixeira, Rui L. Aguiar, Mário Antunes, Julio Corona, Alaa AlZailaa, José Quevedo, Ayman Radwan
Real Time Energy Price Forecasting in 5G Smart Grids Scenarios Gustavo Luizon, Bruno Sousa
Towards xURLLC strategies with Programmable Pipelines Eurico Dias, Duarte Raposo, Pedro Rito, Miguel Luís, Susana Sargento
16:20 – 16:40 Coffee-break + Poster Session
Context-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Supporting WiFi Connectivity for Vehicles Mushahid Hussain, Felipe França, Ana Aguiar
Design and implementation of a Verifier for supporting Remote Attestation in IoT Joana Brás, Sérgio Figueiredo, Karima Velasquez
Explainable AI models for Transparent and Trustworthy Systems José Diogo Gaspar, Paulo Silva, Catarina Silva
16:40 – 17:20 Keynote (Moderator: Diogo Gomes – UA / IT) Nurit Sprecher (Nokia)
17:20 – 17:30 Closing Session Organizing Committee
17:30 – 18:00 RTCM Committee meeting RTCM Committee


Keynote Speakers

Nurit Sprecher – Head of Network and Service Automation Standardization (Nokia)

Bio: Nurit Sprecher has spent many years working as an expert system architect and technologist, defining the carrier-grade network and service architecture evolution and system design. She is currently the Head of Network and Service Automation Standardization at Nokia. She has contributed to many projects carried out in ETSI, O-RAN ALLIANCE, GSMA, IETF, ITU-T, IEEE, and BBF. She has participated in core discussions on the next generation network with tier-1 carriers and a number of governments. She has spoken at many conferences and a contributing author to numerous publications. She is a Distinguished Member of the Nokia Technical Committee. She is an ETSI Fellow, a technology visionary and strategist with 30 years’ global telecommunications industry experience. She initiated and drove the industry effort to set up the ETSI ISG Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) and successfully chaired the ISG during its first two-year term. She played an instrumental role in the creation of the ETSI ISG Zero-Touch Network and Service Management (ZSM) and serves as the Vice Chair for the group.

Chamada para Contribuições – Call for Contributions

(PT) Caros colegas, 

A Comissão Organizadora convida-vos à submissão de trabalhos para apresentação no 34º Seminário da Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis (RTCM). Os trabalhos podem ser apresentados em sessão oral, poster ou demonstração. 

A RTCM é uma rede de interesse em telecomunicações aberta a investigadores, profissionais da área e outros interessados, que realiza seminários duas vezes ao ano para partilhar experiências e resultados. 

O 34º Seminário da RTCM será dedicado ao tema Edge Computing e Inteligência Artificial e terá lugar no dia 7 de julho de 2023 no Instituto de Telecomunicações – Aveiro (IT/UA). 

As submissões deverão estar enquadradas em tópicos da RTCM ou afins. 

PRAZO: 16 de junho de 2023. 

Por favor utilize o seguinte formulário para registar o seu trabalho. 

Agradecemos a disseminação deste CFP junto dos vossos contactos. 

Com os melhores cumprimentos e esperando as vossas submissões, 

A Comissão Organizadora, 

Diogo Gomes, Duarte Raposo, Pedro Rito, Susana Sargento (IT / UA)
Bruno Sousa, David Abreu, Karima Velasquez (CISUC / UC)
Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC / FEUP)



Dear colleagues, 

The Organizing Committee invites you to submit relevant work to the 34th Seminar of the Mobile Communications Thematic Network (RTCM). We accept oral presentations, poster or demo sessions. 

The RTCM is a group with interest in telecommunications, open to researchers, industry professionals and other interested parties, that holds seminars twice a year to share experiences and results. 

The 34th RTCM Seminar will be devoted to Edge Computing & Artificial Intelligence and will take place on July 7, 2023 at Instituto de Telecomunicações – Aveiro (IT/UA). 

The submitted works should be within the scope of the areas addressed by RTCM. 

DEADLINE: June 16, 2023. 

Please use the following form to register your contribution. 

We would appreciate if you could forward this CFP to potentially interested parties. 

Looking forward for your submissions and presence, 

The Organizing Committee, 

Diogo Gomes, Duarte Raposo, Pedro Rito, Susana Sargento (IT / UA)
Bruno Sousa, David Abreu, Karima Velasquez (CISUC / UC)
Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC / FEUP)