35º Seminário


9 de fevereiro de 2024 (Feb 9th, 2024), IT – Universidade da Beira Interior (IT / UBI) – Covilhã.

Local – Venue

Anfiteatro Verde
Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde
Av. Infante D. Henrique
6200-506 Covilhã
GPS Coord.: N-40°16’03.27″ W-7°29’42.13″

Registo – Registration

O registo é gratuito e pode ser feito aqui. Por questões logísticas, pedimos que façam o registo da vossa presença até quinta-feira, 8 de fevereiro. 
Registration is free and can be done here. Due to logistic reasons, we kindly ask you to register at the event no later than Thursday, February 8th.

Programa – Programme

Time (WET) Presentation Authors
10:00 – 10:15 Registration
10:15 – 10:20 Opening Session Organizing Committee
10:20 – 11:20 Technical Session I
Chair: Rui Paulo (IT/UBI)
Advancements in High-Frequency Antenna Design: Integrating Photonic Crystals for Next-Generation Communication Technologies Nila Bagheri (IT/UBI, CMU), Fernando J. Velez (IT/UBI), and Jon M. Peha (CMU)
Beamforming Optimization for Communication-Centric Multi-user and Multi-beam ISAC Scenarios Leonardo Leyva, Daniel Castanheira, Adão Silva, and Atílio Gameiro (IT/UA)
CONVERGE – Telecommunications and Computer Vision Convergence Tools for Research Infrastructures Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC/FUEP)
Autonomous Control and Positioning of a Mobile Radio Access Node Employing the O-RAN Architecture Gonçalo Queirós, Paulo Correia, André Coelho, and Manuel Ricardo (INESC TEC/FEUP)
11:20 – 11:35 Coffee-break + Poster Session
A New Proposal for a Reputation Mechanism to Encourage IoT Nodes Cooperation in the Context of Tourism Geraldo Cangondo and Bruno Silva
A New Proposal for an IoT System Monitoring of Pollutant Gases in the Context of Remote and Rural Scenarios (RuraLTHINGS) Edgar Ladeira, Rui Pinto, S. N. Jafari, Bruno M. Silva, João Castro-Gomes, Nuno Pombo, Pedro Inácio, and Sandra Soares
Dependable V2X Communications Muhammad Awais Khan
Digital Twin Wireless Network Ayesha Jadoon
Integrated Sensing and Communication for Beyond 5G Networks: A Breakout Feature Leonardo Lamas
Lower Limb Movement Analysis with Sensors during Ten Meter Walk Test Performance Maykol Stephano da Silva dos Santos (IT/ESTGA), Paulo Jorge Coelho (INESC/IP Leiria), and Ivan Miguel Pires (IT/ESTGA)
Q-Learning Applied to Slotted ALOHA-Based MAC Protocols for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks Amilton Venâncio Baptista (IT/UBI), and Fernando José da Silva Velez (IT/UBI)
Técnicas de Visão Computacional para Deteção de Passadeiras Pedonais em Mau Estado de Conservação Gonçalo J. M. Rosa (IPCB), João M. S. Afonso (IPCB) , Vasco N. G. J. Soares (IT/IPCB), and João M. L. P. Caldeira (IT/IPCB)
Utilização de Técnicas de Visão Computacional para Redução do Desperdício Alimentar numa Cantina Institucional Ana Correia (IPCB), Clara Aidos (IPCB) , Vasco N. G. J. Soares (IT/IPCB), and João M. L. P. Caldeira (IT/IPCB)
Wearable Solution for Health Monitoring of Car Drivers João Pedro Baiense, Paulo Jorge Coelho, Ivan Miguel Pires, and Fernando José Velez
11:35 – 12:35 Technical Session II
Chair: Bruno Silva (IT/UBI)
5G and 802.11p-enabled Platoon Operation: Recent Results from the CMU-Portugal FLOYD project Pedro Santos et al. (ISEP/IPP)
Joint Traffic and Obstacle-aware UAV Positioning Algorithm for Aerial Networks Kamran Shafafi, André Coelho, Rui Campos, Manuel Ricardo (INESC TEC/FEUP)
Utilização de Técnicas de Visão Computacional para Identificar e Quantificar Diferentes Tipos de Utilizadores de Percursos Cicláveis e Percursos Pedestres Joaquim Miguel (IPCB), Pedro Mendonça (IPCB), João M. L. P. Caldeira (IPCB/IT), and Vasco N. G. J. Soares (IPCB/IT)
12:35 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Panel – The Path Towards 6G
Moderator: Fernando J. Velez (IT / UBI)
Adriano Goes (Capgemini), João Alcobia (Nokia), Paulo Marques (Allbesmart)
15:00 – 16:20 Technical Session III
Chair: Daniel Corujo (IT/AV)
eBPF-IDS: Dynamic Networking and Security Programming for IDS detection João Monteiro , Bruno Sousa (CISUC/UC)
Towards a Cost-Effective Future with AI in Telecommunications Julio Corona, Mário Antunes, and Rui L. Aguiar (IT/AV)
Time-Sensitive Services and Networks in Large-scale Scenarios Rodrigo Martins, Duarte Raposo, Rui Lopes, Pedro Rito, Susana Sargento (IT/AV)
Edge Computing and 5G Network Integration for Mobility-Aware Service Deployment João Gameiro, Rodrigo Rosmaninho, Gonçalo Perna, Pedro Rito, Susana Sargento, Duarte Raposo, Carlos Marques, Filipe Pinto (IT/AV)
Healthcare Status and Behavior Monitoring based on Smart Tailored Environments Mariana Jacob Rodrigues (IT-IUL), Octavian Postolache (IT-IUL), and Francisco Cercas (IT-IUL)
16:20 – 16:40 Coffee-break + Poster Session
A New Proposal for a Reputation Mechanism to Encourage IoT Nodes Cooperation in the Context of Tourism Geraldo Cangondo and Bruno Silva
A New Proposal for an IoT System Monitoring of Pollutant Gases in the Context of Remote and Rural Scenarios (RuraLTHINGS) Edgar Ladeira, Rui Pinto, S. N. Jafari, Bruno M. Silva, João Castro-Gomes, Nuno Pombo, Pedro Inácio, and Sandra Soares
Dependable V2X Communications Muhammad Awais Khan
Digital Twin Wireless Network Ayesha Jadoon
Integrated Sensing and Communication for Beyond 5G Networks: A Breakout Feature Leonardo Lamas
Lower Limb Movement Analysis with Sensors during Ten Meter Walk Test Performance Maykol Stephano da Silva dos Santos (IT/ESTGA), Paulo Jorge Coelho (INESC/IP Leiria), and Ivan Miguel Pires (IT/ESTGA)
Q-Learning Applied to Slotted ALOHA-Based MAC Protocols for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks Amilton Venâncio Baptista (IT/UBI), and Fernando José da Silva Velez (IT/UBI)
Técnicas de Visão Computacional para Deteção de Passadeiras Pedonais em Mau Estado de Conservação Gonçalo J. M. Rosa (IPCB), João M. S. Afonso (IPCB) , Vasco N. G. J. Soares (IT/IPCB), and João M. L. P. Caldeira (IT/IPCB)
Utilização de Técnicas de Visão Computacional para Redução do Desperdício Alimentar numa Cantina Institucional Ana Correia (IPCB), Clara Aidos (IPCB) , Vasco N. G. J. Soares (IT/IPCB), and João M. L. P. Caldeira (IT/IPCB)
Wearable Solution for Health Monitoring of Car Drivers João Pedro Baiense, Paulo Jorge Coelho, Ivan Miguel Pires, and Fernando José Velez
16:40 – 17:20 Keynote – Smart Physical Therapy in IoT and 5G/6G Era
Moderator: Ivan Miguel Pires (IT/ESTGA)
Octavian Postolache (ISCTE)
17:20 – 17:30 Closing Session Organizing Committee
17:30 – 18:00 RTCM Committee meeting RTCM Committee


Keynote Speakers

Octavian Postolache – Full Professor at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and Senior researcher of Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Lisbon, Portugal.

Bio: Dr. Octavian Adrian Postolache is electrical engineer and Full Professor at ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa and Senior researcher of Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Lisbon, Portugal. His fields of interests are smart sensors, WSN, Internet of Medical Things, Applied VR and MR, precision agriculture,  artificial intelligence for automated measurement systems. Dr. Postolache is author and co-author of 10 patents, 12 books, 21 book chapters, and more than 400 papers in international journals and indexed conferences with peer review.  He is IEEE Senior Member, IEEE IMS Distinguished Lecturer, chair of IEEE IMS Chapter Chair Liaison,  IEEE IMS TC-13  and he is current chair of IEEE IMS Portugal Chapter. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement and IoT from Elsevier.  He received IEEE outstanding reviewer and the outstanding associate editor from IEEE Transactions in Instrumentation and Measurement and IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE IMS outstanding distinguished lecturer and other awards related to his research activity at different international forums.

Patrocínio / Sponsor



Chamada para Contribuições – Call for Contributions

(PT) Caros colegas, 

A Comissão Organizadora convida-vos à submissão de trabalhos para apresentação no 35º Seminário da Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis (RTCM). Os trabalhos podem ser apresentados em sessão oral, poster ou demonstração. 

RTCM é uma rede de interesse em telecomunicações aberta a investigadores, profissionais da área e outros interessados, que realiza seminários duas vezes ao ano para partilhar experiências e resultados. 

O 35º Seminário da RTCM será dedicado ao tema Rumo para a 6G e terá lugar no dia 9 de fevereiro de 2024 no IT – Universidade da Beira Interior (IT / UBI),  no Anfiteatro Verde da FCS, na Covilhã. Vai haver um acordo com o Sport Hotel para quem quiser ficar a conhecer melhor a zona envolvente Serra da Estrela.  

As submissões deverão estar enquadradas em tópicos da RTCM ou afins. 

PRAZO:  26 31 de janeiro de 2024. 

Por favor utilize o seguinte formulário para registar o seu trabalho. 

Agradecemos a disseminação deste CFP junto dos vossos contactos. 

Com os melhores cumprimentos e esperando as vossas submissões, 

A Comissão Organizadora, 

Fernando J. Velez (IT / UBI), Rui R. Paulo (IT), Diogo Gomes, Daniel Corujo (IT / UA), Marco Gomes (IT / UC) Karima Velasquez (CISUC / UC), Luís Bernardo (IT / UNL), Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC / FEUP) 



Dear colleagues, 

The Organizing Committee invites you to submit relevant work to the 35th Seminar of the Mobile Communications Thematic Network (RTCM). We accept oral presentations, poster or demo sessions. 

The RTCM is a group with interest in telecommunications, open to researchers, industry professionals and other interested parties, that holds seminars twice a year to share experiences and results. 

The 35th RTCM Seminar will be devoted to The Path Towards 6G and will take place on February 9, 2024 at IT – Universidade da Beira Interior  (IT/UBI), at Green Amphitheatre of Health Science Faculty in Covilhã. There will be an agreement with the Sport Hotel for those who would like to stany and get to know the area around Serra da Estrela better. 

The submitted works should be within the scope of the areas addressed by RTCM. 

DEADLINE: January 26 31, 2024.

Please use the following form to register your contribution. 

We would appreciate if you could forward this CFP to potentially interested parties. 

Looking forward for your submissions and presence, 

The Organizing Committee, 

Fernando J. Velez (IT / UBI), Rui R. Paulo (IT), Diogo Gomes, Daniel Corujo (IT / UA)
Marco Gomes (IT / UC), Karima Velasquez (CISUC / UC)Luís Bernardo (IT / UNL)
Filipe B. Teixeira (INESC TEC / FEUP)